Bonner Springs-Edwardsville Chieftain from Bonner Springs, Kansas (2024)

be Will. A Missionary Society Meets. White Loaf Flour We are headquarters for the very best flour that 6 made the White Loaf. We do not need to speak of its merits, as it has been sold by a leading merchant here for 10 years. It speaks for itself.

Try it. Chase Sanborn Coffee We are sole agents for Chase Sanborn high grade Coffee, also known the town over. Give it a trial today and you will be convinced of its good qualities. 6 F. R.

Walker Mrs. Davenport's Grandchild Dead. Little Ferne Agnes Ahern, age four years and six month, only child of Mr. and Mrs. Will Ahern of Drumbright, died Sunday morning at 2:30 at the family home.

The cause of her death was meningitis. Funeral services were held here at the Catholie Church Wednesday morning at 11 a. 111., conducted by Father Budroe of Hogue. Burial at Riverview ceme tery. Little Ferne was a grand daughter of Mrs.

'Luverna Davenport and a beautiful and attractive little girl. She, with her mother, had just returned home from a visit here when she was taken sick. Those who attended the funeral from a distance were Mrs. and Mrs. Frank Toyne of Wesport, Mr.

and Mrs. Tom Abern of Oklahoma, Mr. and Mrs. Lee Burns and Mr. J.

Folk of Kansas City and Mr. John Ahern of Linwood. Mrs. David Winthrop spent a few days this week in Kansas City. The Women's Foreign Missionnry Society of the Methodist church had a splendid meeting last Thurs- la afternoon at.

the home of Mira program carried as follows: Devotional exercises were led by Mrs. P. J. Dohahne: vocal solo, Mrg K. Will; report of district convention.

Mrs. E. Rus-el: report of Student Volunteer Convention, Mrs C. Hays; piano solo, Mra L. Lee.

Dainty refreshments were served during the social hour. The next meeting will be with Mrs. Herman Theden, Feb. 26th, 1914. Girls Won, Boys Lost.

A double-header basket ball game was played at the hall Tuetday evening, in which the Rexall Girls carried off a victory of 13 to 5 over the Y. W. C. A. Girls of Kansas City The Smelzers won from the All Stars in one of the roughest games ever seen on the home court.

The score was 46 to 26. The girls' game was both clean and fair. The referee from Kansas City proved to be one of the fairest and most pleasant referees ever here. Mr. Backnick Home.

Mr. William Backnick, who ha been in the U. S. army tor the past three years, returned home Sunday. having served his time.

Backuiek has been in Honolulu the last two years. Mr. Backnick is son of Mr. and Mrs. Wm.

Backnick, who live on a farm near Emmett. Broke Her Hip. Mrs. Otto Green fell from the barn loft Thursday and broke her right hip. Mrs.

Green had climbed up into the loft to get some feed and slipped and fell. Dr. Candler reports her doing nicely. Mrs. Green 19 a sister-in-law of Mrs.

James Mann. Choir to Loring. Mr. and Mrs. T.

H. Jackson gathered up a load of choir folks Tuesday evening and took them to the meeting at the Loring school house. There they gave a special number and Mrs. Roy Y. Stotts sang a solo.

Hurt While Vaulting. Mr. Chas. Kerby son of Mrs. Alex Kerby who lives near the Santa Fe fell while vaulting with a pole the last of the week and broke his arm.

He also injured his head. Jury Acquits Dale Paul. Dale Paul of Corliss, who burned the house of Albert Dean on April 13th, was acquitted by a jury in Judge Fischer'8 court in Kansas City Monday. The jury held that he was not guilty of arson, becan-e he was temporarily insane with whisky when the deed was done. The jury also held that be is now sane, but he cannot be released an til the head of the state asylum pass.

ea on the case and decides that he will not be a menance to safety if allowed his liberty. He was released Monday noder a $500 bond and will have another bearing in Judge Fischers court Monday Bridge Open in March. Mr. E. Storts, vice- president of the Golden Belt Association, made a trip to Turner Monday in regard to the opening of the Turner bridge.

The bridge foreman said the bridge would be opened by March 20th or 25th. Mr. Stotts is trying to get everything in shape for the Golden Belt meeting to held here March 12th. PUBLIC IC SALE I will sell at public auction at my farm 6 miles northeast of Bonner Springs, 3 miles north of Edwardsville and 4 miles southeast of Piper, on Saturday, February ry 7 Horses and Mules One black mare, 9 years old, weight 1300. One black filly, coming 3 years old.

One bay filly, coming 2 years old. One bay filly, coming 2 years old, driving stock. One bay fancy driving mare, 4 years old. One span of twin mare mules, coming 3. One yearling mule.

Cows and Hogs One black Jersey cow, will be fresh soon. One black Holstein cow, was fresh Jan. 1st. One Jersey cow, fresh last August. One Shorthorn bull, coming 3 years old.

One pedigreed Duroc Jersey boar. One Duroc Jersey sow, will farrow March 1. One brood sow, will farrow about March 15 Fourteen shoats. Implements One Havana press wheat drill, ten hoe. One 16-inch J.

I. Case sulky plow. One 16-inch Hummer sulky plow. One Buckeye mower, 5 foot cut. One 14-inch walking plow.

One 10-inch new ground plow. One 12-inch new ground plow. One single shovel. One 1-horse corn drill. 1 Junior cultivator One listed corn cultivator.

One spring tooth harrow. One stalk cutter One spring wagon. One road wagon. One carriage. One iron kettle, 30 gallons.

One set of Peter Schuttler wagon wheels. Hay Three tons of baled timothy hay. One ton of baled alfalfa. Several bushels of clover seed. Other articles.

TERMS: All months sums will of be $10 and given on under, bankable cash. On notes sums at 7 over $10 cent a credit interest of if eight per paid when due; if not paid when due 8 per cent will be charged from date of sale. Two per cent discount for cash on sums over $10. No property to be removed until terms of sale are complied with. Sale to commence at 10:30 a.m.

The Maywood Ladies Aid will serve lunch. PETTIS FLEMING. MURRAY STROUSE, Auctioneers. J. L.

JACKSON, Clerk. LOCAL NEWS BoLD Thursday, Jan 29th, to Mr and Mo Mike Sestrich, a girl. Mrs. Win. Chandler is reported by Dr.

Candler as quite sick with the pleurisy. Dr. Candler reporte Frederick Small, who has been quite sick, as improving. Mr. and Mrs.

C. A. Twist of Abilone announce the birth of a son Sunday, Feb. 1st. Mr.

Calvin Lytten visited several days this week with relativee and friends in Liberty, Mo. Mrs. James Mann and daughter Mildred visited relatives and friends in Leavenworth Wednesday. Mrs. Mae Holyfield is reported better by Dr.

Candler. She has been suffering from ivy poisoning. Mrs. Fred Barger and daughter visited her parents Mr. and Mrs.

A. J. Brunson a few days this week. Miss Edna Tutt returned to Kausas City Tuesday after a week's visit here with her parents, Mr. and Mrs.

L. M. Tutt. Mr. and Mrs.

Charles Durham of Bucysus, came Tuesday for a short visit with Mrs. Durbam's parents, Mr. and Mrs. M. S.

Glynn. Mr. and Mrs. Herman Theden and Rev. M.

M. Eaton went to Kansas City Tuesday and attended the Washington Avenue M. E. Church to hear Dr. Quayle lecture.

Mr. Chas. Lewis of Basehor was taken to St. Luke's hospital Saturday by Dr. Lee and operated on the same evening for appendicitis.

Mr. Lewis was doing nicely at last reports. Mr. and Mrs. B.

Barnard and Mrs. K. Hyroop and daughter Ruth of Manhattan, returned home today, after a week's stay with relatives here, where they came to attend their father's The items in Monday's Times and Journal about the sermon at the M. E. Church Sunday evening were sent in by the Chieftain.

This i is printed to correct al report that the items were sent by Mr. Eaton himself. Mrs. Wilson Dead. Mrs.

Lillie May Wilson, wife of Nichols Wilson, died Saturday, Jan. 30th at Dallas, Texas. The funeral services were held at Edwardeville Wednesday at 10 a. conducted by Rev. Cooper, pastor of the Christian Church at this place.

Mrs. Wilson united with the Christian Church in Fontana, Kans, in 1891, and has lived in that faith ever since. Besides her husband and one daughter she leaves her father and mother, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Dodson of Edwardsville, and four broth ers and two sisters to mourn her loss.

Immerse Nine Loring People. At the close of the C. W. B. M.

meeting Wednesday afternoon, nine persons were immersed at the Ch istian Church by the pastor, Rev. W. Cooper. They were recent con verts, who united with the church at Loring, during the meetings now in progress there. Edwardsville vs.

Atchison. Edwardsville high school basket ball teams are scheduled to go up against the Atchison high school teams at the Edwardsville gymnasium Friday evening. Edwardsville has good strong teams and expect to carry off a victorious store. The C. W.

B. M. Meeting. The C. W.

B. M. meeting held at the Christian Church Wednesday at ternoon was one of the best in the history of the organization. Ninety people were present. In addition to the program printed last week Mrs.

Edd Stillwell rendered a beautiful cornet solo. Luman Tyler Injured. Mr. Luman Tyler was knocked against the wall of the basket ball hall Tuesday evening during the game. Two teeth were broken off land his left eye was swollen shut the next day New Storm Sewer.

The city council has ordered in a storm sewer from the corner at Kelly's drug store to the culvert back of the J. A. Stark residence, To Let M. E. Church Contract February 16 has been set as the date for the letting of the contract for the new M.

E. Church. 00000 February Fourteenth Let Cupid's Darts Pierce Lovers' Hearts. Few old customs are so generally observed as that of sending Valentines. This is true because Valentines are missives of good humor, love or friendship.

There was never before so large a variety of tasty, inexpensive VALENTINES to select from as is being shown this season. Our stock is large and complete and contains the latest senvery timental and comic varieties. 9 are Valentine these Post Cards very popular days. They are easy to mail and fine selection minute of in new beauty designs and at le, 2 sentiment. for 5c, We 5c and have 10c a each.

Make your selections early while stock is complete. Scheffer's Drug Store 000000000000 INCUBATORS We handle the following leading brands. The Cyphers The Hiawatha The Peerless No. 60 The above makes are the leading brands. Come in and let us show you.

Prices are right. Investigate before you buy. New Garden and Field Seeds are in and on display at our store. G. A.

PERKINS CO. 00000000000 We Have Some Good Bargains in Buggies It will pay you to look We also have a complete them over before you buy. 000000006 stock of high quality Let Us Supply Your Wants Hardware 00000000.000 Brunson Mosby Fifth Annual Mule Sale at Woodsonia Stock Farm 3 miles southeast of Bonner Springs, commencing at 11 a. m. on Wednesday, February 18 50 MULES 25 SPANS 3 and 4 year old.

This is a fine lot of big growthy mules of good flesh and quality. They have been broken and handled and ready to go right to work. This is the best lot of mules I have ever developed on my farm. Will be sold singly and in pairs. A square deal to everyone.

Woodson McCoy, Wilder, Kas..

Bonner Springs-Edwardsville Chieftain from Bonner Springs, Kansas (2024)
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Name: Tyson Zemlak

Birthday: 1992-03-17

Address: Apt. 662 96191 Quigley Dam, Kubview, MA 42013

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Introduction: My name is Tyson Zemlak, I am a excited, light, sparkling, super, open, fair, magnificent person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.