Rutland Daily Herald from Rutland, Vermont (2024)

RUTLAND DAILY HERALD, MONDAY MORNING, JUNE 21, 1915. CLASSIFIED ADVERTIsem*nTS 'For first insertion, five cents per line. For three insertions, ten per line, Additional insertions pro rata. Count six words to a line. No adv.

taken for less than two lines. LOST. LOST -Boys' -rubber soled, low, tan shoe, size 5-D, -probably on Grove St. Finder please notify H. W.

Clement, Field. Ave. J2143 LOST--In Brandon village er on the road from to Middlebury, large bunch keys; liberal reward to finder. H. Gor: ham.

Middlebury, Vt. J16d6 LOST- Crescent shaped brooch, set with pearls and. amethysts: Return to Mrs. H. dimes, Adams st.

Reward. -J1843 FOR SALE. acres Vermont form and timber land: farm buildings, store, mill, blacksmith shop houses; large valuable property to be sold at auction June 24, 1915, easy terms to purchaser planning 10 utilize and derelop the property. Inquire of Fleteber, East Wallingford, or W. D.

Hulett, Rutland, Vt. J11d10 FOR SALE 6-year-old driving mare, or will exchange for heavy horse to use on cart. Apply 3,6 Center st. J15d6 FOR SALE 5 passenger -Overland. 33 Cottage st.

Phone 577-W. J15d5 FOR SALE- -1918 Indian motorcycle with metal side car. new tires, lamp, speedometer, horn, all in good condition, $150. Henry Taverna, Center Rutland, Vi. J1545 FOR SALE One black horse, age 9 years, weight 1500; can be seen 4 Standard Co.

a plant. J1604 FOR BALE -I dining room suit, golden osk, 8 pieces: 1 range and 1 brass bed compiete, all new: half price; will sell at once. Inquire 124 North Main st. J18d3 POR BALE- -Mileage books. C.

-B. Costello. J18dtf FOR SALE -Indian motorcycle, 1914 model, in first clas condition, 8186. H. E.

Seward, jr, 23 Wales st, J18d3 FOR SALE -Whitney baby carriage, turn: table gear. Cost $26. Good as new. Phone 644-R. J19d3 FOR SALE--Farm of 118 acres, 3 miles from Rutland.

Address 32 Herald. J21d3 FOR SALE- -Two spark coils and for marine engine. H. P. Smith, No.

10 Lincoln Ave. J2143 FOR SALE One brown mare. Inquire of W. H. Moore, Pawlet, Vt.

J2146 FOR SALE -5 passenger Overland. 33 Cottage St. Phone 577-W. J21d6 FOR SALE Fine general purpose horses. From one of the best farms in Suitable for any business where a good, honest, true horse is wanted.

Age 5 to 12 years, weight 950 to 1800 lbs. Must be sold at once. No reasonable offer refused, Also wagons and harness. Apply at Barn 24 Cottage St. J21d3 FOR SALE Saturday at 2.30 P.

New Two Tenement House, Steam Heat, Electric Lights, Cement, Cellar, Fire Place and Hard Wood Floors. At 5 Porter Street. J19d6t FOR SALE OR TO RENT. FOR BALE OR TO RENT- -10-room house at 89. Morse place.

Apply to A. Bacon, Niamilton. J9dtf TO RENT. TO RENT- Tenement 108 Wales st. Inquire 41 Burnham ave, J18d3 TO RENT- -Modern 6 room upper tenement.

-Inquire 102 Gibson Ave. J19d3 TO RENT-7-room upper tenement, bath, hot and cold water, gas, fine location. Inquite of Edward 69 Baxter city. J1943 TO RENT Lower tenement with bath, $11. F.

A. Field Son. J19d6 TO RENT- For, light housekeeping, four rooms. and bath; nicely furnished centrally located. Apply 62 West BE.

J1043 TO RENT- Lower tenement, hot water heat, hardwood Moore; very central, $25. F. A. Field Son. J1942 10 RENT- One-half of deuble house, bash, $16.

F. A. Field: Son. J1903 TO RENT- -Fine upper fat, $18; all improvements. Field Son.

1 J1942 TO RENT Furnished rooms, transients: Farr, 88 Cottage at. J1943 TO house. Inquire 59 J19d3 TO RENT. Two desirable tenements, centraily located. Inquire 54 Strongs J1943 TO RENT- -Large nicely turnished room wish bath and phone, down stairs.

117 West at, oppostte Postoffice. J19d3 TO RENT- room tenement, all modern M. Porter, 27 Park St. 32146 HELP WANTED MALE. WANTED- for monamental and oleum work.

In application state experienco and wages required: McDonnell Sons, Barre, Vt. J19d3 WANTED -Reliable, married DEn for foreman and shipper; steady work, satisfactory person. Address 8 J16412 WANTED -Bailway mail clerks. $75 month; Rutland examinations coming: samthe free. Dept 459 Write immediately Rochester, N.

Frank- Y. June18d28 to sell ornamental stock start permanent position for party. First National Nurseries, SochesJ11d4 HELP WANTED FEMALE. work. Good Apply to No.

123 Crescent 72141 WASTED washings for general 143 Grove at J154tt Girl for general bousewerk: 33 CIT Apply to Mr. TE A. B. Kingsland, J18d3 H. Girl for 6.

West RutJ1946 HELP WANTED. SALESMAN WANTED BY ply 36 Center cover route. Apr at. Rutland. J154.5 STTUATIONS WANTED FEMALE WANTED with child.

Eke 1 would J18d3 A yung 54 West 71943 SITUATIONS WANTED MALE. Afirem 33 drug clerk position MISCELLANEOUS WANTS. WANTED- TO buy second-band furniture, stoves, clothing, aLoes, Highest cash prices paid. Call or phone J. Walsh, 35 Sarongs are.

Phone 616-Y. J12424 J. K. LE BOEUF, contractor and builder: estimates made. 34 Elm st.

Phone 173-J. J18d6 WANTED To buy second-hand about once in to good Box 35 condition, Herald. state price. Apply st J1943 WANTED- Two furnished rooms with gas, with private family, by young married couple. 36 Herald.

J2143 HAVE YOUR. Lawn Mowers sharpened nda. general Bicycle Shop, repair 178 work West done. St. at the J21d6 West PAY highest prices for diamonds and all kinds of second hand jewelry.

J. Kaufman, pawnbroker, 162 West Rutland, Vt. Phone 166-M. J2143 Good Bench-Saw Hand Wanted We have a permanent position in our wood-working department to offer experienced hand on bench and cutting saw. Must be sober, steady and industrious.

Apply by letter giving details of experience and wages expected A. W. Gray's Sons Middletown Springs, Vt. J16d6 Safety First If the boss burns out you may lose your job. Insure your job by being careful, F.

H. Burnham Quinn Bldg. Violin Lessons from beginning to Artistic Finish, by Alfred Larsen of Burlington. Ho Rutland Wednesdays. Greatest Modern Method.

Also, Lessons in 'Cello. Studio, 21 Church. Phone 501-X. Information, Bradley's Music Store. Summer School Begins July 5th at Rutland Business College.

Better investigate. 2 Girls to do Light work in family of three. 2 Men to work in Woods. BERT E. YOUNG'S EMPLOYMENT AGENCY.

Rocm 3. Gryphon Bldg. Rutland, Vt. Phone 817-R. HELP WANTED TODAY.

Girl to do Dining Room Work. Woman with a child to do light work. 5 Girls for Housework. FOR SALE. One good Store Door with Lock and Springs; also som window to match.

UNDERHILL WHITE. PARA FLEX Tires and Tubes A 3500 Mile Guarantee, Backed by a Reliable Company. Distributed Exclusively by EARL C. NOYES, Service Station Spellman Terrace. Farm Opportunity 75 acre farm, miles from city of Rutland.

Place keeps 12 cows and team. Large house, good condition, 3 barns, fair. 5 minutes from trolley line. Land lays plenty of wood, some maples. Owner anticipates moving out of town.


Rutland, Vt. AUTOMOBILE INSURANCE WALTER A. CLARK, Merchants Row. HORsem*n! have 12 Fresh Horses left out of ray last carload that arrived June 10th. I wHI describe a few: One Pair of.

Mares that will foal soon, weight 3800: One Pair, Mare and Gelding, weight 2800; One Pair Dapple Geldings, weight 2500; 3 Combination Horses, extra good saddlers and fearless. also have 15 Acclimated Horses in Pairs and Singles, that are already to go into hard work: there are 15 Mares included in this lot. also have one New Express Wagon; 1 Second Hand Spring Truck Wagon, and 1. Lumber Box Wagon. Now, 11 you are in need of any of the above, come and see me and get your money's worth.

As you know, my motto is Quick 'Sales and Small Profits." A. Newman, 131 South Main Rutland, Vt. EAST WALLINGFORD. Miss Augeline Stone returned Saturday to her home in Danby after visiting her sister, Mrs. Richard Wortman.

Roscued by Nature, you ever lost in the woods?" "Almost." rescued do you mean?" "The wind was blowing so hard that the girl didn't hear. me when I proposed? -London Standard. RUTLAND COUNTY AND VICINITY PROCTOR, Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Nelson, have returned from a visit in Middlebury.

Clovis, Loso is moving his household goods from Market street to the Garden of Eden." Charles Butler, a student at the University of Vermont spent Sunday at his home here. Miss Hannah Olson will leave Wednesday for a visit with her sister in Jamestown, N. Y. Don Wilson left Saturday for a short visit at his home in Bristol. John King of East Dedham, is spending a few days at the home of his parents, Mr.

and Mrs. Joseph King. Mr. Crawford, who has been visiting his son, C. L.

Crawford, for two weeks, has returned to Saginaw, Mich. J. D. Andrews, who has been ill for several months, has been in a critical condition for several Teachers Leave for Vacation. The school year closed here last Friday.

The following teachers have left for the summer: Misses Ruth and Bertha Slack of Woodstock; Myrle Jackman and Eudora Palmer of Br Bristol; Mary Gates of Ida Waters of Castleton; Mabel Young of Wallingford; Mary Purcell of Pownal; Dorothy Carey of Worcester, Mass. Funeral of Leah Gilbert. The funeral of Leah Gilbert, the 13- rear old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Ovila Gilbert, was held Saturday morning in St.

Dominic's church. Rev. P. J. Long officiated at the church and the grave.

The bearers were William Monahan, George Geno, Victor Frappier, Arthur Gilbert, Leo Signor and Edward Geno. The honorary bearers were six members of Miss Gilbert's class in school, Anna Pelchet, Delia Shattell, Mary Dynan, Edith Erickson and Ester Peterson. There were floral tributes. A large number friends and relatives from cut of town attended the funeral. Miss Gilbert's class in school marched in body to the church.

BRANDON. Miss Nettie Thomas is at home from Schenectady, N. for a vacation of one week. Mrs. Barnby Leach, who underhere several weeks ago, has recovered went a sun surgical operation at her home sufficiently to 'be taken to the Mary Fletcher hospital in Burlington for the second time.

High School Graduating Exercises, The graduation exercises of the high school were held in the town hall last Friday evening. There were 21 graduates. Judge Charles I. Button of Middlebury delivered the address. The salutatory address was given by Miss Catherine M.

Carrigan. Carlton Flood delivered an oration on "'The Fortifications and Military Detenses of United States." Miss Mabel Rising gave the valedictory address. The diplomas were presented by P. E. Whalen, chairman -of the prudential committee.

The winners of the University of Vermont scholarships were Miss Mabel Rising and Reginald Ray, Music was furnished by the high school orchestra. VERGENNES. Henry King, agricultural instructor, left Friday for his home in Peabody, Mass. Mr. King has been for the coming year.

Mrs. E. M. Ball and daughter, Edna, are visiting Mrs. Ball's son, Asa Ball, in Montpelier.

Mrs. F. L. Fish, Mrs. E.

G. Norton, Mrs. M. T. Bristol, Mrs.

H. Herrick, Mrs. W. R. Warner, Mrs.

W. J. Strong, Mrs. W. W.

Bristol and Miss Mary Strong went to Middlebury Saturday to attend the performance by the Ben Greet players in "Twelfth Night." Casper Sears is recovering from injuries received in attempting to mount a horse. Bert Allen of Haven, who has been ill several months with a fever, is improving. Miss Ruth Dickinson of White N. arrived Sunday morning and will spend the summer with Mrs. E.

G. Norton and family. Harold Orr 18 ill, with a trained nurse in attendance. Sherrill B. Greene of Newell, is the guest of Mrs.

E. G. Norton. Mrs. Frank Sullivan and Charles B.

Child of San Francisco are guests of Mrs. C. S. Crysler of Kansas City, at' her summer home, Raven's Nest, Lake Champlain.4 Alumni Elects. The following officers were elected for the coming year at the annual meeting of the Vergennes High School Alumni association: President, Miss Mary Alden; vice president, Miss Eva Meigs, Mae L.

Crane and Arthur W. Norton; secretary and treasurer, C. A. Bristol; executive committee, Mrs. G.

R. Thome, Mra. W. W. Bristol, Roy 'M.

Spooner, Miss Mildred Taber and Raymond Slack. The Discoverer and Original Locator of the ColoradoYule Marble Deposit now has a larger deposit containing vast quantities of high grade, white, Siena, Formosa, Numidian, Cipolino, Skyros, one and two miles from main line of S. P. all the way down gentle grade. Can duplicate almost all the foreign decorative mar bles whose -importation will cease, not that Italy is at war.

Want to connect with good pro moter who can finance the project. Address, L. R. LIGIER, Dragoon, Ariz. J21d2 ONE CHANCE' IN A HUNDRED Double tenement, blacksmith, wheelwright and paint shop, doing a good business, Land enough and the price only $1300.

Terms 0, K. EDGAR B. MOORE, West Street, Rutland, Vt. CHESTER. school last Friday afternoon.

Diplomas were presented to 13 memberg of the senior class. About 400 persons attended the exercises in the town hall. This afternoon at 3 o'clock the alumni and high school teams will cross on the Edson meadow, and to the senior class town hall folthis evening there a reception withes lowed by a promenade. Miss Chase, who has been instructor in commercial subjects and French in the high school the past year, has resigned and will go to her home in Melrose, Mass. Mrs.

F. G. Robinson and daughter are visiting in Malden, Mass. Mrs. L.

J. Richardson are staying for two weeks at Eagle camp, Lake Champlain, near South Hero. Rev. H. A.

Parkhurst of Springfield preached in the North street Universalist church Sunday. Invitations have been received by several persons in. town to the wedding of Frederick Fullerton Wiley, a son of Mr. and Mrs. Henry G.

Wiley fthis village, and Miss Marie Rogers, to take place at the home of the bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Edward W. Rogers, in Schenectady, N. Tuesday evening, June 29th, at 8 clock.

Walter Jeffrey underwent an operation last Tuesday at the Mary Fletcher hospital in Burlington. Summer Banquet. About 60 members of the Alumni association of the Chester high school were present at the 14th annual banquet in Hotel Fullerton hall last Thursday evening. The officers chosen for the coming year are: Prestdent, Lawrence Havens; vice presidents, Evelyn H. Pier and Percy Heald; secretary, Laura C.

Leonard; treasurer, Lucy C. Harris; entertainment committee. Rowena Harlow, Edith Leland and Myra Blackington; nominating committee, Norman Richardson, Hazel Richardson and MadgeHeald. CHESTER. The graduation exercises of the high NORTH Miss Ruth Read, a former teacher in the high school, was in town Friday to attend the commencement ercises.

Miss Nellie Cole of Briggsville, was the week end guest of Mrs. Arthur N. Shepard. Mrs. Edna Hawkes of Michigan has come to reside with Miss Emerett Mattison.

Mrs. Wells W. White and daughter, Clara, are visiting Mrs. Edward Worthington in Troy, N. Y.

Miss Nellie I. Huntoon and Miss Mary Corcoran, teachers in the graded school, have gone to their homes in Rutland for the summer. Nelson Payne, a member of the graduating class of the Troy Conference academy, has returned to his home in this village. Mrs. Caroline Kirk has returned to her home in Washington after a week's visit with her cousin, Mrs.

Truman Amidon. Suit has been filed in Bennington County court by Patrick H. of this village against the Vermont company. In his declaration, Howe claims that on May 30 last, while a passenger on one of the company's cars, he was assaulted by Newell Master, the conductor. At the annual meeting of the Alumni association Friday evening, the following officers were elected: PresiMiss Alice Young; vice president, Mrs.

Edward Mosher; secretary, Mrs. Fred Bobson; treasurer, Welis W. White. PITTSFORD. Mrs.

Avis (Rowe) Cotting, wife of Edward E. Cotting, died Saturday morning at her home after an illness of six weeks with cerebral hemorrhage. She was born December 23, 1834, in Cortland, N. and was married to Mr. Cotting February 17, 1857.

With her husband she had lived in Pittsford nearly 56 years. Besides her husband, she leaves a sister, Mrs. Lavira Trapp of McGraw, N. and three grandchildren, Mrs. Herbert A.

Brown and Walter and Henry Tarbell, all of Brandon. The furneral will be held at the house this afternoon at 3 o'clock. EAST PITTSFORD. The East Pittsford school closed last Friday with a picnic. Over 50 sat down to dinner.

The pupils perfect in attendance for the term were Florence and Ralph Gould, Ella McGee and Glen Perkins. The pupils perfect in attendance for the year were Florence and Ralph Gould and Ella McGee. Glen Perkins was absent one half day during the year. Harold Chaffee, who attends Houghton seminary, Houghton, N. has returned for his summer vacation.

Mr. and Mrs. H. W. Perkins and family have returned from Poultney where they attended the Troy conference academy commencement exercises.

Their son, Hugh, was a member of the graduating class. A Fine Building Lot On Lincoln Avenue (West Side) Lot 33 "Baxter Park" 82x130 feet (1658) Fred A. Field Son Over Rutland Savings Bank. Leading Real Estate Agency in City. RUTLAND COUNTY AND VICINITY WEST RUTLAND.

Miss Anna McCormick of Frank. street and Miss Julia McCarthy of Main street went yesterday to Clift Haven, N. where they have taken positions for the summer. Wayne Thrall and William Smith of this town and Stark Smith of Rutland are in Tinmouth for several days fishing trip. Mrs.

S. F. Post and Mrs. E. C.

McKelsey have returned from Wallingford where they attended the funeral of Franklin Post, who was brought there from New York. The condition of Miss Margaret Cain of Barnes street, who has been seriously ill with diphtheria, is satisfactory. John Rernier and Thomas Burke of the Castleton road have returned from a several days' visit in Whitehall, N. Y. Miss Hattie E.

Harrington of Smith and Brown street was given a very pleasant surprise party last Friday evening, the occasion being her birthday. A lunch was served. Miss Harrington was presented with a serving tray by her guests. John Q'Rourke, William L. Connell and Thomas Connell attended the funeral of James A.

Kelley in Rutland last Saturday. Miss Margaret and Beth O'Rourke of Clarendon avenue left last week for Cliff Haven, N. where they will spend the summer. Miss Nellie O'Rourke has also gone to Cliff Haven where she has charge of the dining hall of the Catholic summer school for the season. Miss Neille Cameron of Elm street has gone to Brandon for a visit of a fortnight.

Mr. and Mrs. S. E. Smith and Mrs.

Fred Mead and family are at their cottage at Lake Bomoseen. A speciai communication of Hiram lodge of Masons, No. 101, will be in the Masonic rooms on Chapel this evening at 8 o'clock. Linen Shower, Miser Kerrigan Pleasant Given, street was given a linen shower at the home of Miss Nellie Mumford last Friday evening in honor of her approaching marriage to William J. Kulty of Jersey City, N.

J. There were 24 young women present. The house was effectively decorated with pink and white ribbons and decked with flowers. The gifts were taken from a tree and presented to the young woman by a little Anna Hanley. A collation was served, the tables being prettily trimmed in pink and white flowers and candles.

From the bride's cake, Miss Margaret McDonough drew the ring, Miss Charlotte Gilfeather, the coin, Miss Mary Gallagher, the thimble and Miss Nora Dwyer, the doll. The favors consisted of pink roses filled with candy. There were vocal selections by Miss Margaret Davine, piano numbers by Miss Mabel Force and several recitations by Miss Mary Moran. Death of Mrs. Anne Monahan.

Mrs. Anne Monahan, widow of Thomas Monahan, died Saturday morning at her home on the Clark hill farm on the Ira road after a long illness. She was the daughter of the late Thomas Mundy and was born in County Fermanagh, Ireland, January 6, 1839, coming to this town when a young girl. She is survived by four daughters, Mrs. M.

J. Grady of Rutland and Mrs. John Walsh, Mrs. William Watters and Miss Anna Monahan of this town, four sons, John and T. Edward Monahan of Rutland and Francis and Charles J.

Monahan of West Rutland, a sister, Mrs. John Carroll of this town a brother, William Mundy of Springfield. The funeral will be held at St. Bridget's church this morning at 9.30 o'clock. CASTLETON.

Charles Brough left Saturday for Chicago, where he has employment. Mrs. M. A. Chamberlain, Mr.

and Mrs. Will Cutting, and daughter, Gladys, called on Mrs. Theresa dall at the Rutland hospital Pfiday." Mrs. Charles E. Page, who has been visiting her mother, Mrs.

James Adams, has returned to Melrose High. lands, Mass. Mrs. Clarence Leavenworth and Ralph Leavenworth of Cleveland, 0., who have been visiting Mr. and Mrs.

Philip R. Leavenworth, have returned home. Mrs. Carl Beach and children, who have been visiting at Batchelsville, have returned. Mr.

and Mrs. John Jones are attending commencement at Middlebury college. Miss Lillie T. Clark, who spent the past winter in Hudson Falls, N. is at her home here for a few days.

Musical Recital. The following pupils took part in a musical given by Miss Edna V. V. Higley at her home Saturday afternoons Horace Parker. Miss Mildred Denno, Miss Rachel Cis, P.

Miss Doris Haynes, Miss Margaret Foley, Carl Mooney, Miss Mildred Gutterson, George Roach, Donald Powell, Mrs. Manchester 3 Will Receive a Visit From Us on Tuesday, June 22. Those Wishing Appointments Can Leave Word Felt's Shoe Store. We Can Fit Your Eyes and Grind- Your Lenses Any and Every Day At Our Rutland Office. A.

R. Slader Son Optometrists and Manufactur ing Opticians. Merchants Row. The Money Speedway Big sums or little sums safely and easily sent by WESTERN UNION Fall information at any The cost is small, the Western Union Office. service quick and sure.

THE WESTERN UNION TELEGRAPH CO. Horton, Carroll Ripley, Mrs. Parker, Mrs. Seeley, Miss Gutterson, Mr. Powell, Miss Foley, MISs Higley, Rachel Clapp and Horace Parker.

Refreshments were served. Miss Carrie McGrath has returned from a week's stay with her sister, Mrs. Edward B. Corley. Carl G.

Nourse, who is in the United States submarine service and stationed at Quincy, ha's been visiting Mrs. Nourse's mother, Mrs. John H. Miller. Mr.

and Mrs. David Ballentine of Andes, N. have been guests for several days of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Hawes.

Miss Florence Van Valkenburg has returned from the Castleton Normal school where she has been a pupil the past year. John Butler of Schenectady, N. spent Sunday at his home on North street. Mr. and Mrs.

K. K. Ingersoll and son, E. H. Ingersoll, of Johnstown, N.

and Mr. and Mrs. J. Hall of Randall. N.

are guests of Mr. and Mrs. L. R. Runkle.

Miss Helen Griffin and niece, Audrey Griffin, have returned from a visit with relatives in Johnstown, N. Y. Rev. P. J.

Barrett attended the Commencement exercises at St. Michael's college at Winooski last week. The music pupils of Miss Irene Flood gave a recital at her home on Beaman street Saturday afternoon at 2 o'clock. Robert Jones spent Saturday in Comstocks, N. Y.

HYDEVILLE. Oscar I. Pond, proprietor of Lake Side farm, has 11 boarders for the POULTNEY. season. Johnson's club house has 20 boarders and more to come July 1.

Russell W. Hyde of New York city arrived in town last week. He is stopping with Mrs. P. W.

Hyde on Main street. Walter Metcalf arrived home Saturday from Barton where he has been teaching. A daughter was born Saturday to Mr. and Mrs. Glen Williams of Lake avenue.

Mrs. Delia Kerby of Lake avenue has returned from Proctor where she has been with her sister, Mrs. Keith, who is at the Proctor hospital for treatment. Mr. and Mrs.

James Hinchey and daughter, Pauletta, who spent a week with Mr. and Mrs. George Robinson in Hinsdale, N. have returned. They were accompanied by Mr.

and Mrs. Robinson. Mr. and Mrs. Howard, H.

Waldron of New York city will occupy the Fred Warren cottage on Rabbit Island this season. Mr. Waldron occupied the same cottage last year. Mrs. Nellie Murphy, who has been visiting her daughter in Poultney, has returned home.

Miss Elizabeth Hinchey of Hinsdale, N. who has been visiting Mrs. Delia Kirby of Lake avenue, returned home yesterday. Joseph Van Guilder Dies. Joseph Van Guilder, 66.

years old, died suddenly Friday evening at the home of his son, Charles Van Guilder, on Depot street. He had been in his usual health but complained of the heat and went out doors and lay down on the grass. Members of the family thought he was sleeping but later found he was dead. He is survived by one son, Charles Van Guilder, with whom he lived, one daughter, Mrs. Charles Gates of Hampton, N.

Y. The funeral will be held today at 11 o'clock. Burial at Poultney. Death of John Ducey. John Ducey, who went to Los Angeles, last November for his health, died in that city June 14.

He is survived by his wife and two sons, John and James Ducy, who were with him, four sisters, Mrs. Millard of Los Angeles, Mrs. Delia Kirby of Hydeville, Mrs. Annie Hutton of Philadelphia, Mrs. Margaret Keith of Pittsford and a brother, William Ducy of New York city.

Mr. Ducy was a member of the Holy Name society of the Fair Haven Catholic church. SPRINGFIELD. Mrs. Charles H.

Sinclair died at her home on Park street last Saturday. She had been ill about three days with pneumonia. She was a member of the Woman's Relief corps and the Rebekah's and is survived by her husband, who is ill and one daughter. Funeral arrangements had not been made late Saturday afternoon. Miss Madalene Carroll, who has been seriously ill for several days, was somewhat improved Saturday.

Mrs. John A. Atwood leaves today for Lenox, where she will spend a month's vacation with rela LOOK YOURSELF to see the kind of work we do. It's fectly finished and free from the discomfert of a job not well done. DENTAL WORK that's good comes from training and tice.

We claim superiority for the work do in other ways as well. For instance, our adaptability to the profession. Our work is good and stays, and that's worth moser. Prices always, reasonable, Painless Extraction With Somnoform, Gas, or Our Local Anaesthetic. Drs.

Bixby Stevens Dentists. Phone 536-W. Center St. Owe Playhouse. eve.

Open Evenings from 7-8 except Saturday At office Monday's at 10.30 m. tives. Mrs. Atwood will take the owing to ill health. Henry Renkin is confined at his home on River street as the result of injuries recently received while at his work the plant of the Gear Shaper company.

Frank S. Williams was called to Rutland Saturday by the death of his uncle, Franklin S. Hale. Mr. and Mrs.

Hartwell Moore of St. Johnsbury were Sunday guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Young Friends and relatives were surpris ed to learn that William Clace, 600 of Mr. and Mrs.

Herman. Clace, and Clara White, for some time at the W. D. Woolson home at Muckross park, were married last Wednesday evening. Mr.

and Mrs. Clace are to commence housekeeping after a short wedding trip, in the apartments in the Bank block recently vacated by Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Young. NORTH CLARENDON, The North Ciarendon school pupils, taught by Miss Katherine Hannon of Rutland, had no absent marks during the term: Rena Barrett, Agnes Jacobs, Beatrice Newton, Roy Plumley, Francis Dennis, Joseph Dennis and Earl Eycleshymer.

Beatrice Newton not absent, tardy or dismissed during the year. A. B. Arnold of East Poultney visited friends here Sunday. George Wardwell is ill.

Funeral of Mrs. Rhodes. Mr. and Mrs. H.

A. Rhodes of Clare mont, N. were with friends here Sunday. They were called here by the funeral of Mr. Rhodes' sister, Mrs.

George Rhodes, who died at her home in Danby and whose funeral was beld at the chapel in East Clarendon Saturday at 1 o'clock. Burial was in East Clarendon cemetery. School Picnic. The school in the Spafford distric. taught by Miss Mary Burns of West Rutland, closed Friday with a picnic in the White grove.

The pupils having no absent marks during the term were Anna Squier, Clara Squier, Jobs White, Florence White, Clayton Hubbard and Theodore Hubbard; not ab sent during the year, John White, Florence White, Anna Squier and Squier. The two last named' bad neither tardy or dismissal marks during the year. EAST WALLINGFORD. Miss Catherine Gilrain and Miss Marie Cannon of Rutland are visiting the former's aunt, Miss Mary Mihoney. Walter and Arthur McGuirk spent Saturday and Sunday with friends in Middlebury.

The Centerville school, taught br Miss Nancy McCann, closed Friday. 'The following pupils had perfect at tendance during the term: Evelys Smith, Catherine McCann, Margaret McCann, Almond Noyes, Carl Noses and Earl Rounds. Almond Noyes abl Carl Rounds had perfect attendance for the entire year; Cal Noyes WAS absent but one day. Miss Celestine Sculley of Rutland $5 the guest of Miss Josephine LaVar ture. Miss Alice Silloway of West Wards boro is visiting her mother, Mrs.

P. M. Sillo Mr. and Mrs. Homer Stone of New York city are guests of Mr.

and Mrs. William Stone. Mrs. William Maxwell and childres of Boston ahe visiting Mr. and Mrs.

K. A. Phelps. A son was recently born to Mr. and Mrs.

Fred Parker. Mrs. W. L. Haynes and son, Bar nette, of East Corinth are visiting bet sister, Mrs.

Henry Bunker. A horse owned by John Ridion struck by lightning while in the ture last week. Mrs. Etta Parker bas returned front visit with relatives in Ravens Y..

Rutland Daily Herald from Rutland, Vermont (2024)
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Name: Lidia Grady

Birthday: 1992-01-22

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Introduction: My name is Lidia Grady, I am a thankful, fine, glamorous, lucky, lively, pleasant, shiny person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.